Dr. Lanfermann® Nachtcreme hairless against facial hair

Just in time for Santa Claus we can offer Dr. Lanfermann® Night Cream hairless. A cream that has it all. With targeted double action – the practical solution
against facial hair and anti-aging effect.
For many women, facial hair is a problem and leads to considerable discomfort. The only thing that remains is regular, heavy and irritating depilation. Dr. Lanfermann® Night Cream hairless is a solution for reducing unwanted facial hair. The active ingredient of plant origin prevents the nutrient supply to the hair follicle, so that hair growth slows down. After about 4-6 weeks of use, the hair grows back finer and slower.
In addition to its hair growth-inhibiting properties, Dr. Lanfermann® Night Cream hairless is also an effective anti-aging night cream. It can tighten the skin and reduce fine lines.
Dr. Lanfermann® Night Cream hairless is a revolution in natural form that combines anti-facial hair and anti-aging properties. It was developed through long tests and manufactured in Germany to the highest quality standards.