Dr. Lanfermann® Foot-Deo Cream to feel good
Do I need Dr. Lanfermann® Foot-Deo Cream? One will say yes, the other will say no. But who says yes, probably has a problem with his feet. mehr »
Do I need Dr. Lanfermann® Foot-Deo Cream? One will say yes, the other will say no. But who says yes, probably has a problem with his feet. mehr »
The products Dr. Lanfermann® are now presented in 4 languages. A button takes you directly to the respective product group. The latest information is now also available in 4 languages.
The sections “Press” and “Customer Login” have been added in German. mehr »
As the newest product under the label Dr. Lanfermann® the first of three Deo Creme products is now available.
Dr. Lanfermann® Deo Creme is a rich deodorant cream made from vegan raw materials. Depending on the ambient temperature, the effectiveness ranges from several hours to several days. mehr »
Dr. Lanfermann® Deo Creme is available in three different variations – as standard, as natural cosmetics and as foot deodorant cream. All are made from selected, vegan raw materials and all meet the requirements of a halal cosmetic. mehr »
After Olaplex revolutionized the hairdressing market, many products were created that wanted to copy Olaplex. Not only in application, but also in presentation. The smallest unit, mehr »